Agronomy is a diverse science that includes field crops, turfgrasses, variety selection, seed science, soil management, nutrient management, and soil suitability for urban purposes. This publication is a source of agronomic information that does not change frequently.
Mid-Atlantic Nutrient Management Handbook
This handbook was developed to incorporate the advances in the understanding of managing soils, crops, and nutrients for the protection of surface and ground water in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Urban Nutrient Management Handbook
Nutrient management plans serve two primary purposes: (1) ensuring that plants have optimum soil nutrient availability for good productivity and quality, and (2) ensuring minimum movement of nitrogen and phosphorus from the specified area of application to surface and groundwaters where they can potentially have a detrimental effect on water quality.
Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations Publication
Information presented in this publication is based on research results combined with industry and grower knowledge and experience from seven states in the mid-Atlantic region and is revised annually. This guide is intended for the commercial vegetable grower who has to make numerous managerial decisions, such as variety, pesticide, application, equipment, fertilizer, and cultural practice for their specific environmental conditions and desired horticultural characteristics.